A Little About Me
Hello! My name is Gustavo and I'm 22 years old. I'm a Brazilian techie guy, currently working on software development as a full-stack dev for a small software house. I'm interested mainly on DevSecOps, Networks, Cloud Computing and basically anything that involves CyberSecurity. Currently open for new opportunities that can help me to get into these fields.

I'm also a huge sucker for social sciences and humanities. I believe that understanding our past and how we, as humans, relate with each other and the spaces we live is critical to building a better world for everyone (yes, eat the rich, thanks). Philosophy, sociology, history, anthropology, and politics are some of my favorite topics to explore when I'm not diving in tech.
When I'm not working nor studying anything about tech, I'm usually playing (very badly) the guitar, reading, hanging out with people who are important to me or traveling. My goal after ending college is to travel the world and learn more about this little blue planet lost in a random corner of the universe.
I'm very passionate about music and am a self-taught guitarist, which ain't much, but I'm kinda proud of the noise I make. I'm constantly studying and practicing in order to become a better musician.
Lastly, I have a deep passion for learning languages. It's such a great way to connect with people and stories from all around the world. In the future, I hope to use my language skills to travel to new places, meet new interesting people, and collaborate on some interesting projects. Currently, I'm focusing on Russian and I'll get to Spanish, French, Japanese, and pretty much any other language that catches my attention.
Wanna get in touch?
Feel free to reach me on any of my social media, or mail me at: gustavomstefanello@gmail.com